Addition of two Polynomials using C Program

This example shows how to add two polynomials using C program. For addition of two polynomials we will use here Structure, which is a composite data type, in which we can define all data types under the same name or object.

Size of the Structure is determined by computing the size of all data types, plus any internal padding.

The keyword struct is used to declare the Structure.

A Polynomial is a mathematical expression involving a sum of powers in one or more variables multiplied by coefficients.

For example, the addition result of two polynomials 5-2x^2+9x^4 and 6x-7x^2+10x^3 would be 5+6x-9x^2+10x^3+9x^4

The complete example would be as given below:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct termType {
    int coefficient, exponent;
} termType;

typedef struct poly {
    termType terms[100];
    int noOfTerms;
} poly;

poly * addPoly(poly *p1, poly *p2) {
    int i, j, k, l;
    poly *p3 = malloc(sizeof (poly));

    for (i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; ((i < p1->noOfTerms)&&(j < p2->noOfTerms)); k++) {
        if (p1->terms[i].exponent == p2->terms[j].exponent) {
            p3->terms[k].coefficient = p1->terms[i].coefficient + p2->terms[j].coefficient;
            p3->terms[k].exponent = p1->terms[i].exponent;
        } else if (p1->terms[i].exponent < p2->terms[j].exponent) {
            p3->terms[k].coefficient = p1->terms[i].coefficient;
            p3->terms[k].exponent = p1->terms[i].exponent;
        } else {
            p3->terms[k].coefficient = p2->terms[j].coefficient;
            p3->terms[k].exponent = p2->terms[j].exponent;

    if (i < p1->noOfTerms) {
        for (l = i; l < p1->noOfTerms; l++, k++) {
            p3->terms[k].coefficient = p1->terms[l].coefficient;
            p3->terms[k].exponent = p1->terms[l].exponent;
    } else {
        for (l = j; l < p2->noOfTerms; l++, k++) {
            p3->terms[k].coefficient = p2->terms[l].coefficient;
            p3->terms[k].exponent = p2->terms[l].exponent;
    p3->noOfTerms = k;

    return p3;

int main() {
    termType t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6;
    poly *p1, *p2, *p3;

    p1 = malloc(sizeof (poly));
    p2 = malloc(sizeof (poly));

    t1.coefficient = 5;
    t1.exponent = 0;
    t2.coefficient = -2;
    t2.exponent = 2;
    t3.coefficient = 9;
    t3.exponent = 4;

    t4.coefficient = 6;
    t4.exponent = 1;
    t5.coefficient = -7;
    t5.exponent = 2;
    t6.coefficient = 10;
    t6.exponent = 3;

    p1->terms[0] = t1;
    p1->terms[1] = t2;
    p1->terms[2] = t3;
    p1->noOfTerms = 3;

    p2->terms[0] = t4;
    p2->terms[1] = t5;
    p2->terms[2] = t6;
    p2->noOfTerms = 3;

    p3 = addPoly(p1, p2);


void print(poly *p) {
    int i, c;
    c = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < p->noOfTerms; i++) {
        if (c != 0 && c < p->noOfTerms && p->terms[i].coefficient > 0) {
        printf("%dx^%d", p->terms[i].coefficient, p->terms[i].exponent);

When you run the above program you would see below output:


Source Code


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