How To Generate And Validate JWT Using PHP Without Using Third Party API

Introduction In this tutorial you will see how to generate and validate JWT (JSON Web Token) using PHP programming language without using any third-party library or plugin. I would not explain here what is JWT and why JWT is used but you can find wonderful documentation in its own JWT Website. This example of generating and validating JWT does not…

CodeIgniter Login Logout With Remembr Me

Introduction This tutorial will show you how to login logout to/from an application with remember me functionality in CodeIgniter framework using set_cookie() function. You can use get_cookie() to retrieve the value for a given key from cookie and delete_cookie() function to delete from cookie for a given key. Sometimes you may need to remember username and password for few days…


Introduction In this example we will see an example on PHP AJAX jQuery CRUD. CRUD is an acronym for four operations such as Create, Read, Update and Delete. We are going to perform CRUD operations on company details. We will use here MySQL database to store company detail information. We will perform each operation asynchronously through AJAX technique using jQuery…

Creating Social Share Links in WordPress without Plugin

Introduction In this post we will create social share links in WordPress without plugin. Clicking on such social media links or social share buttons populates a message and image (if any) that can be shared on social media. The social media link on your content minimize the time it takes to promote your content on social networks.

How to use CSS in WordPress Plugin

Introduction We will discuss here how to use CSS in WordPress plugin. We will use the same plugin we created in the example. We have seen how to use AJAX, jQuery in our previous tutorial. This example will also show you how to en-queue CSS file. Till now our simple email subscription form does the necessary things what it required. But in this…

How to use AJAX, jQuery in WordPress Plugin

Introduction We will discuss here how to use AJAX in WordPress plugin. We will use the same plugin we created in the example. We have seen how to create MySQL table in our previous tutorial. This example will also show you how to en-queue JavaScript files. Till now our simple email subscription form could not perform any action but in…

How to create table with WordPress Plugin

Introduction In this post we will discuss about how to create table with WordPress plugin. When you are writing a plugin for WordPress (a simple email subscription form), you will find that you need to store some information in the WordPress database. Certainly there are ways to store information and you can find more on this here but we will…

How to create plugin in WordPress

Introduction In this post we are going to discuss how to create plugin in WordPress CMS (Content Management System). Creating custom WordPress plugin is simple and you just need to follow some steps to make it available in your WordPress site. We will create a simple email subscription form through which users will be able to subscribe to your recent…

Excluding Categories from WordPress Category Widget

Introduction Here you will see an example on how to exclude category from WordPress category widget. I am not going to use any plugin to exclude categories from WordPress category widget. For a simple change it is not recommended to use plugin because, using plugin your site’s overall page speed may decrease. As a side effect your site’s performance will…

CodeIgniter jQuery Photo Gallery

Introduction Here I am going to show you how to create photo gallery using PHP framework called Codeigniter. Photo gallery also known as image gallery, media gallery or photo album, which is used to manage your photos. You can view the images one by one from a list of images in a gallery. In this example I will use some…