Spring Integration – Manipulate RSS Feed Data and Write to Files

Introduction In this tutorial we will create an example on how to manipulate data from RSS Feed and write to files periodically using Spring Integration framework. This guide uses Spring Integration using Java configuration to retrieve data from RSS feed, manipulate and write to files. In this example we will create both gradle and maven based build configurations to build…

Form Validation in Spring Boot Web Application

Introduction In this example we will see an example on how to validate form in web application using Spring Boot framework. We will use Thymeleaf as a template for UI (user interface) or front-end. We will perform almost all kinds of validations available through Hibernate validator framework. This example just validates the input values and once validated successfully it just…

How to reload Changes on Spring Boot without Server Restart

Introduction Situations may occur when you need to speed up your development works without having to worry about restarting the server for every change in the piece of code in your application. Spring Boot provides such provision using which you can easily achieve the goal. Applications that use spring-boot-devtools will automatically restart whenever files on the classpath change. This can…

How to log with Lombok using @slf4j annotation in Java, Spring and Spring Boot Applications

Introduction In this tutorial I will show you how to configure Lombok for logging using @slf4j annotation in Java, Spring and Spring Boot applications. The example shown here will work for Java, Spring and Spring Boot applications. This annotation will reduce the code you write for creating logger variable. Lombok will provide log variable when you use @slf4j annotation on…

Spring Module-Wise Logs Using MDC In Logback

SiftingAppender And MDC In this example you will see how to create or generate separate log file module-wise or for each separate functionality using SiftingAppender in logback with the help of ThreadedContext or MDC in Spring Boot applications. MDC also known as Mapped Diagnostic Context is a lighter technique consists of uniquely stamping each log request servicing a given client….

How to configure log4j2 in Java, Spring and Spring Boot Applications

Introduction In this tutorial I will show you how to configure log4j2 in Java, Spring and Spring Boot applications. The same log4j2 configuration will work for Java, Spring and Spring Boot applications. I am not going to show you how to use logback API in Spring Boot application, instead I will exclude logback API from the Spring Boot application. I…

Real Time Data Over WebSocket Using Kafka Streams Spring Boot Angular

Web Socket and Apache Kafka In this tutorial I will show you how to work with Apache Kafka Streams for building Real Time Data Processing with STOMP over Websocket using Spring Boot and Angular. You will see how to build push notifications using Apache Kafka, Spring Boot and Angular. You need to provide some basic things that Kafka Streams requires,…

How to create executable jar using Gradle or Maven in Spring Boot Application

Introduction In this tutorial I will tell you how to create executable jar using gradle or maven build tool in Spring Boot application. Generally maven or gradle tool is used in Java applications to automate the build process. I will also see how to control the target jar name with version appended into it. Spring Boot provides lots of benefits…

Spring Boot jQuery AJAX CRUD Example

Introduction In this example I will show you an example on Spring Boot jQuery AJAX CRUD. CRUD is an acronym for four operations such as Create, Read, Update and Delete. I am going to perform CRUD operations on company details. I will use here MySQL database to store company details information. I will perform each operation asynchronously through AJAX technique…

Spring Boot Data JPA Left, Right, Inner and Cross Join Examples on Three Tables

Introduction In this guide we will walk through Spring Boot Data JPA left, right, inner and cross join examples on three tables. In pas we have seen similar example on two tables but I got some requests on how to perform similar joins on three tables. Therefore I am going to show you how to perform joins – left, right,…