Server Sent Events with Spring – Push Notifications

Push Notification I am going to show you an example on how to build an app to send push notifications using Spring’s server sent events (SSE) API. You might have seen a popular choice for sending real time data from server to client in web application is using WebSocket in my previous tutorials Messaging with STOMP over WebSockets using Spring,…

org.hibernate.MappingException: No Dialect mapping for JDBC type

Introduction Here I am going to show you how to resolve issue org.hibernate.mapping.exception: No Dialect mapping for JDBC type that occurs in your Hibernate based application due to some types mismatch between database table column and Java field. You might have seen similar kind of exception occurred during performing native queries without entity class and this kind of issue may…

Evolving Database using Spring Boot and Liquibase with YAML and SQL Configuration

In this tutorial I will show you an example on evolving database using Spring Boot and Liquibase with YAML and SQL configuration. We had seen similar example using XML configuration. I will also show you how to build application using both maven and gradle build tools. I will not tell you much details on Liquibase but you can always find…

Spring Boot REST API Documentation with Swagger 2

Introduction This tutorial will show you how to use swagger 2 using Spring Boot application for creating RESTful documentation. You generally create and deploy REST services but you do not have an option to let others know in a single place, where REST services are exposed for consumption or what details are there for a REST API, what is the…

Spring Boot Activiti – Process Engine Configuration

We have seen in our previous tutorial Spring boot activiti example how Business Process Management works using Activiti framework. In my previous tutorial I have used the default behavior of the process engine. In this tutorial I will show you how you can bootstrap the process engine using Spring JavaConfig to create our own spring boot activity process engine configuration. You can…

Spring Drools Integration Example

Introduction This tutorial is about Spring drools integration example and will show you how to define business rules in drools (.drl) file that could be understood by non-technical people as well. What is Drools? Drools is a business rule management system with a forward-chaining and backward-chaining inference based rules engine, allowing fast and reliable evaluation of business rules and complex…

Messaging With STOMP Over WebSockets using Spring Angular ActiveMQ

Web Socket I will create push notify messaging with STOMP over WebSockets using Spring and ActiveMQ. You might have seen similar tutorial at link WebSockets Using Spring Boot And Angular, but I used in-memory message broker but here I will use external message broker – ActiveMQ. I will use Angular for building front end or UI where message will be…

Spring SOAP WebService Producers Using Gradle

Table of Contents Introduction Prerequisites Project Setup Spring Boot 2.6.4 Spring Boot 2.1.6 Spring Boot 1.5.9 Spring Boot Main Class XSD Schema Repository Service Endpoint Configuring SOAP Service Changing Server Port Running SOAP Application Testing SOAP Application JDK 9 Issue Source Code Introduction This tutorial will show you an example on Spring SOAP WebService producers using Gradle. In other words,…

WebSocket Using Spring Boot And Angular

Web Socket Web Socket is a very thin, lightweight layer above TCP used to build interactive web applications that send messages back and forth between a browser and the server. The best examples are live updates websites, where once user access the website neither user nor browser sends request to the server to get the latest updates. Server only keeps…

Spring Boot Liquibase Gradle Example with XML based Configuration

Introduction In this example I will show you how to use Liquibase to maintain your database changes history over the time. I will use here XML based configuration for Liquibase. It is often important to consider when developing web application, how to evolve the database schema of a Java web application. I will tell you how to build project using…