Spring Boot Activiti Example

Introduction Spring Boot activiti example shows the simplicity of embedding Business Process Management (BPM) into our application using Activiti. We will build a spring boot application that embeds standards-based Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) logic into our application. Activiti has advanced process design tools for embedding more sophisticated BPM logic into our application. These tools include an Eclipse-based and Web-Based…

Tomcat load balancing with Apache using mod proxy

This tutorial will show you how to configure Tomcat Load Balancing with Apache webserver (http server) using Mod Proxy. I have listed here the following steps on how to configure Apache with Tomcat to configure Load Balancer using Mod Proxy. Having load-balanced is always recommended in production environment for better availability and performance of your application resources. Load balancing improves…

Spring Data JPA Entity Graphs

One of the important features in Spring Data JPA or simply JPA is the ability to specify fetch plans using Entity Graphs. This is useful since it allows you to customize the data, which is retrieved with a query or find operation. It is expected to display data from the same entity in different and several ways when working with…

Junit Testing Spring REST Services

Introduction In this tutorial we will see how to write Junit test cases on Spring REST services. Before continue to reading this tutorial please read first Spring RESTful Webservice CRUD Example We have total four operations on this REST example. If you want you may add more operation such as find all products and apply Junit on it.

Spring RESTful Webservice CRUD Example

Introduction In this tutorial we will see how to build Spring RESTFul WebService CRUD example. Here we will use Spring version 4. We will create a controller that will manage CRUD operations such as Create, Read, Update and Delete using the correct HTTP request methods POST, GET, PUT and DELETE respectively. You may also be interested to read Junit Testing…

Spring Boot Multi-module Project

Introduction In this example we will see how to work with spring boot multi-module project and deploy them together in embedded Tomcat server. The Tomcat Server comes with the Spring Boot API, so we don’t need to include extra jar or library for it. The individual module is also deployable. You may also want to use other server like Jetty…

Spring Data JPA CRUD Example

Introduction In this tutorial I will show you an example on Spring Data JPA CRUD. Here I will use the embedded or in-memory HSQL database. CRUD means Create, Read, Update, Delete. So I am going to perform basic CRUD operations on some entities. In this example I will create annotation based Spring standalone application. Related Posts: Embedded HSQL Database in…

Spring MVC + Angular CRUD Example

In this tutorial we will see the integration of AngularJS with Spring MVC. We are going to create CRUD application using Spring REST API on server side and AngularJS is encapsulated within JSP file on client side. Thus the client will communicate with server asynchronously using AngularJS $http service. If you need PHP version https://roytuts.com/angularjs-php-rest-crud-example/ If you need Codeigniter version…

Spring Asynchronous Execution using @Async

Spring Async In this tutorial I will discuss about the asynchronous execution support in Spring using the @Async annotation. There are cases where Spring framework’s @Async is necessary to execute piece of code asynchronous. An example would be while sending a (JMS) message from one system to another system. The advantage is that the user does not have to wait…

@PreAuthorize annotation – hasPermission Example In Spring Security

Spring Security Has Permission In this tutorial I will show you an example on @PreAuthorize annotation – hasPermission() example in Spring Security. The most useful annotation @PreAuthorize, which decides whether a method can actually be invoked or not based on user’s role and permission. hasRole() method returns true if the current principal has the specified role and hasPermission() method returns…