How to setup Liquibase in Spring for Multiple DataSources

Introduction In this tutorial I will show you how to setup Liquibase in Spring for multiple datasources. In my previous tutorial I had shown how to setup multiple datadources in Spring Boot application. Here also I am going to create a Spring Boot application to define multiple datasources and will use these datasources into Liquibase. I had created examples using XML…

Define Multiple DataSources in Spring Boot

Introduction This tutorial will show you how you can define multiple datasources in Spring Boot application. I had shown how to define multiple datasources in Spring application, but here I will define multiple datasources in Spring Boot application. There may be situations where you need to define multiple datasources in Spring Boot application. For instance, you may need to define…

Utility classes should not have a public or default constructor – Spring Boot

Introduction The error, utility classes should not have a public or default constructor, you notice mainly in utility classes where you have declared your class method(s) as public static and your class does not have private constructor as well as your class cannot be made as final. This error occurs due to the checkstyle rules defined generally in checkstyle.xml that is…

Spring Data JPA Entity Auditing Using EntityListeners

JPA Entity Auditing The tutorial Spring Data JPA Entity Auditing using EntityListeners will show you how you persist the audit log using JPA’s built-in functionality. Spring Data  JPA provides sophisticated support to transparently keep track of who created or changed an entity and at what time. To benefit from this functionality you have to equip your entity classes with auditing metadata…

Hibernate UserType Example using Spring Data JPA

Introduction I am going to show you here what is UserType and why do you need UserType while working with database and web application. In Hibernate UserType Example using Spring Data JPA I will show you how Hibernate allows you to implement and use custom types when built-in types do not satisfy an application’s requirements, or when you want to…

Spring Boot Internationalization Example

Introduction Spring Boot Internationalization Example will show you how to make an web based application in different languages. Internationalization or Localization will render the web page content based on your chosen language in which you want to view the page. At present though browser gives you an option to translate the page into other language using which you browse the…

SOAP over HTTPS with Client Certificate Authentication

Introduction The tutorial, SOAP over HTTPS with client certificate authentication, will show you how we can use client certificate to handshake with server along with basic authentication for consuming the service. We have also seen how to authenticate by sending authentication information over http headers in SOAP web service but here we will use client certificate (jks file) as a…

Integrate npm web app in Spring Boot with Gradle

Integrate npm web app in spring boot with gradle is basically a multi-module project as we have seen in our earlier tutorials here with maven build in spring boot and here with maven in Eclipse. But the example on integrate npm web app in spring boot with gradle uses gradle to build the project. Here we basically create two modules…

Configure JNDI DataSource with Spring Boot

Introduction In this post I will show you how to configure JNDI datasource with Spring Boot applications. JNDI (Java Naming Directory Interface) data source is very similar to JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) data source. I will show examples on Oracle as well as MySQL database servers. The MySQL version example is downloadable at the end of this tutorial. I will…

Spring Boot MVC AutoComplete Using jQuery

Auto Complete Autocomplete allows you to easily create autocomplete and auto-suggest boxes for text input fields. When you start a search on Google, you can find the information you are looking for using search predictions. Search predictions are possible search terms you can use that are related to the terms you are typing and what other people are searching for….