Spring Boot AJAX jQuery to check User Availability Instantly

Introduction Here in this tutorial I am going to show you how to use AJAX technique using jQuery with Spring Boot application to check user availability instantly without refreshing the web page. I am going to use Thymeleaf template in Spring Boot application. I will use Spring REST to create REST API endpoint which will be called from jQuery code….

Spring Cloud Gateway Security with JWT (JSON Web Token)

Spring Cloud Gateway Security In this tutorial I am going to show you an example on Spring Cloud Gateway Security with JWT. JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are an open, industry standard RFC 7519 method for representing claims securely between two parties. JWT.IO allows you to decode, verify and generate JWT. The Spring Cloud Gateway sits in front of your microservices…

How to deal with Whitelabel Error Page in Spring Boot Applications

In this tutorial I am going to discuss about what is Whitelabel Error Page and how to deal with Whitelabel Error Page in Spring Boot applications. Spring boot allows you to setup a Spring based application with minimal configurations. Spring MVC applications provide no default (fall-back) error page out of the box but Spring Boot based applications provide a fall-back…

How to return Different Data Formats (JSON, XML) from Spring REST API

Introduction Here I am going to show you an example on how to return different data formats from REST API using Spring Boot framework. You may have a requirement that you need to return multiple formats, such as XML, JSON, etc., from the REST response, then this example may help you. This example will return XML and JSON format depending…

Junit Testing for Multiple Files Upload Spring REST Controller

Introduction Here I am going to write Junit test case for testing multiple files upload in Spring REST Controller. I have already created how to upload multiple files using Spring REST API and I also had shown how to test it through REST client tool – Postman. In this tutorial I am going to use Junit 5, @WebMvcTest annotation to…

How To Upload Multiple Files Using Spring REST API

Multiple Files Upload Here in this tutorial I am going to show you how to upload multiple files using Spring Boot REST API. I had also shown you in my another example how to upload single file using Spring Boot REST API framework. For uploading file(s) you can use any client, for example, browser or any REST client (Postman) that…

Spring Asynchronous Request Processing via DeferredResult Class

Asynchronous via DeferredResult I am going to discuss here how to perform asynchronous request processing via Spring’s DeferredResult class. A DeferredResult can be used when the application wants to produce the return value from a thread of its own choice. A DeferredResult is what is possibly not-yet-finished computation that will be available in future. Spring MVC 3.2 introduced a Servlet…

Delete Multiple Table Rows From Server Using Angular

Introduction In this tutorial, I will show you how to delete multiple rows from HTML table as well as from database server at one go. You might have seen tutorial how to display data from server to client side and how to select multiple rows on HTML table. I will put checkbox against each row on the table so that…

Angular Check/Uncheck Individual/All Checkbox On HTML Table Rows

Introduction Here I will create an example on how to check/uncheck individual/all checkbox on HTML table rows. You might have seen how to display data from server using Angular and alternate row color using CSS. I will put checkbox against each row on the table so that user will be able to select a particular row. I will also put…

Display Data On HTML Table From Server Using Angular And Alternate Row Color

Introduction In this tutorial I am going to show you how to display data from server using Angular 9 and how to apply two different colors on alternate rows using css (cascading style sheet). I will use Spring Boot REST API to send data on client side and consume using client side technology Angular 9. I will use ngIf, else,…