Angular Okta SSO (Single Sign On) with PKCE

Introduction Here I am going to show you how to build an application using Angular for authenticating a user using Okta SSO (Single Sign On) with PKCE. Okta is an enterprise level identity provider that helps you to enable Single Sign-On across applications within an enterprise. Angular is a single page application (SPA) and it is recommended that you use…

Angular Spring Boot Security JWT Authentication And Authorization

Introduction In this post you will see an example about Angular Spring Boot Security JWT (JSON Web Token) Authentication and role based Authorization for REST APIs or RESTful services. I won’t explain here about JWT as there is already very good article on JWT. I will implement Spring Security’s UserDetailsService to load user from database. I will use Spring Data JPA…

Django 3, MySQL REST API Angular 10 CRUD Example

Here in this tutorial I am going to explain how to integrate Django REST API with Angular framework. CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update and Delete operations which will be performed from UI (User Interface) using Angular framework and on server side Django framework and MySQL server are used. The Angular framework will be used in this example for representing…

CodeIgniter 4 REST API, MySQL and Angular 10 CRUD Example

I am going to show you an example on Angular CodeIgniter 4 REST API MySQL CRUD. CRUD is an acronym and stands for Create, Read, Update and Delete operations. REST or RESTful is a Representational State Transfer which defines an architectural style in software engineering. The REST API works on HTTP or HTTPS protocol. The Angular framework will be used…

How To Load Local JSON File In Angular Application

JSON File JSON, i.e., JavaScript Object Notation is a lightweight format for interchanging data. It is based on a subset of JavaScript language. For example, this JSON data format is used in the webservice response. In old days webservices used XML for the primary data format but nowadays JSON, being lightweight, is becoming the preferred data format for exchanging data…

Allow only numeric values or digits in input field using Angular 10

In this tutorial I am going to show you how to allow users only input numeric values or digits. If users enter non-numeric value then we will show an error message. We can also completely prevent from entering non-numeric values. In this case, we need to accept only numbers for a textbox or input field instead of validating the value…

Autocomplete input using Angular 9

Introduction I am going to show you how to give auto complete suggesstion when users search for something by typing in the input field. Autocomplete allows users to have other suggested strings or values displayed on typing of the relevant text in the input field. You have also seen when you start a search on Google or other search engines,…

How to add routes to existing Angular project

Introduction In this tutorial we will see how to create or add routes to existing Angular project. The situation may arise when you forget to add routes while creating new project or probably you thought that routes may not be required but later you find that routes are required for appropriate navigation in your application. By the time you discover…

How to consume GraphQL CRUD API using Angular 9 and Apollo

Here we are going to see how to consume GraphQL CRUD API using Angular and Apollo. So this is a client for GraphQL Server API. We are going to use various modules for working with GraphQl client. For GraphQL server side implementation you can use any technology and here I am going to use Spring Boot framework for performing CRUD…

Delete Multiple Table Rows From Server Using Angular

Introduction In this tutorial, I will show you how to delete multiple rows from HTML table as well as from database server at one go. You might have seen tutorial how to display data from server to client side and how to select multiple rows on HTML table. I will put checkbox against each row on the table so that…