Mock Activiti TaskService, TaskQuery, NativeTaskQuery in Junit


In this tutorial we will see how to mock Activiti TaskService, TaskQuery, NativeTaskQuery in Junit class. Suppose you have Spring service class where you are doing some business flow for your application. So you are using Activiti‘s TaskService to create a list of activiti Tasks using the method createNativeTaskQuery().

You may need to create also TaskQuery from TaskService using createTaskQuery() method.

Therefore here, we will see how to mock Activiti TaskService, TaskQuery, NativeTaskQuery in Junit class.


Knowledge of Junit

Mock using Junit

Let’s move on to the implementation…

Service Class

Suppose you have below Spring service class, where you have autowired TaskService. You also have below methods and inside these methods you are returning a list of Task instances using NativeTaskQuery and TaskQuery as per your requirement of the application.

In the first method we are creating NativeTaskQuery and returning a list of Task instances.

In the second method we are creating TaskQuery and here we are retrieving data from database by passing process definition key. We are not using any database specific SQL statement, so here we are using TaskQuery.

public class SpringService {
    private TaskService tskSrv;
    public void method1() {
        List<Task> result = tskSrv.createNativeTaskQuery().sql("sql query").list();
    public void method2(String processDefinitionKey) {
        List<Task> outStandingTasks = tskSrv.createTaskQuery().active().processDefinitionKey(processDefinitionKey).list();

Why NativeTaskQuery?

We are using database specific SQL statement to fetch the data from database, so we need to use NativeTaskQuery.

Junit Class

Let’s create our Junit test class…

In the below Junit test class notice how we have mocked the activiti’s TaskService, TaskQuery, TaskNativeQuery.

public class SpringServiceTest {
    private TaskService tskSrv;
    private NativeTaskQuery nativeTaskQuery;
    private TaskQuery taskQuery;
    public void testMethod1() {
    public void testMethod1() {
        Mockito.when(taskQuery.list()).thenReturn(new ArrayList<>());

That’s all. Hope you got an idea how to mock Activiti TaskService, TaskQuery, NativeTaskQuery in Junit.

Thanks for reading.

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