How To Install Docker On CentOS 7

Docker I am going to show you how to install docker in Linux platform, the operating system I am using here is CentOS 7 64 bit architecture. In my previous tutorial I had shown how to install docker on Windows 7 operating system. Docker is a container, more like a virtual machine, portable, resource friendly and dependent on the host…

Convert CSV To PDF File Using Python

CSV to PDF Conversion Here I am going to tell you how to convert CSV to PDF file using PyFPDF library in Java programming language. CSV is a comma separated value and it can be opened as a plain text file or in Microsoft excel file. There are few advantages of CSV data:

How to convert PDF File to CSV File using iText API in Java

In this example I going to show you how to convert PDF file to CSV file. I will read the PDF file using iText library and write data to the CSV file using Java programming language. In my previous example I had shown how to convert CSV file to PDF file using iText library. As you know that CSV is…

How to convert CSV file to PDF file using iText API in Java

Here I am going to tell you how to convert CSV to PDF file using iText library in Java programming language. I am going to use Java 7 or later version’s new feature Path API to read the CSV file and Java 8’s Stream API to split the comma separated line or record. I am going to show you how…

Top 10 best practices while building applications using Spring framework

Introduction In this tutorial I am going to discuss about best practices while building applications using Spring framework. Recently Spring has been one of the most popular Java based framework for building enterprise applications. Anyone can grasp the basic concepts and starts building applications using Spring right away but to become a strong developer you need to put efforts and…

Junit Testing for Multiple Files Upload Spring REST Controller

Introduction Here I am going to write Junit test case for testing multiple files upload in Spring REST Controller. I have already created how to upload multiple files using Spring REST API and I also had shown how to test it through REST client tool – Postman. In this tutorial I am going to use Junit 5, @WebMvcTest annotation to…

How include required gradle project into another project

Here I will tell you how to include the required gradle project into another project. Situation may occur when you need to have dependency of another gradle project into your current gradle project, but neither of these projects is a multi-module project. So in this case you can easily add the required project into your current working project. To include…

How To Upload Multiple Files Using Spring REST API

Multiple Files Upload Here in this tutorial I am going to show you how to upload multiple files using Spring Boot REST API. I had also shown you in my another example how to upload single file using Spring Boot REST API framework. For uploading file(s) you can use any client, for example, browser or any REST client (Postman) that…

Spring Asynchronous Request Processing via DeferredResult Class

Asynchronous via DeferredResult I am going to discuss here how to perform asynchronous request processing via Spring’s DeferredResult class. A DeferredResult can be used when the application wants to produce the return value from a thread of its own choice. A DeferredResult is what is possibly not-yet-finished computation that will be available in future. Spring MVC 3.2 introduced a Servlet…

How to resize bulk images using PHP

Here in this tutorial I am going to show you how to resize multiple images or bulk images using PHP programming language. I am going to use built-in functions from PHP language to scan the directory and resize images. Such functions are scandir(), imagecreatetruecolor(), imagecreatefromjpeg(), imagecopyresized() and imagejpeg(). In this example I am going to scan a particular directory that…