Removing Default Jar created by Maven Build

Introduction Here you will see an example on how to remove default jar by maven build tool. Generally this may be required in a situation where you are generating executable jar or executable jars and your application does not require additional non-executable jar generated by maven build. Then you can remove such jar from the target folder.

Spring Security – Authentication and Role Based Authorization using JWT

Spring Security JWT Auth In this post you will see an example on Spring Security authentication and role based authorization using JWT (JSON Web Token) on REST or RESTful services. I won’t explain here about JWT as there is already very good article on JWT. I will implement Spring Security’s UserDetailsService to load user from database. I will use Spring…

CodeIgniter jQuery Photo Gallery

Introduction Here I am going to show you how to create photo gallery using PHP framework called Codeigniter. Photo gallery also known as image gallery, media gallery or photo album, which is used to manage your photos. You can view the images one by one from a list of images in a gallery. In this example I will use some…

Van Eck Sequence Using Java

Introduction The Van Eck sequence is not used for strictly research and application based professional activity. Van Eck sequence can be illustrated as follows: You start with a number 0 at the first position. Not necessarily you have to start with a 0, but you can use any integer number to start with. If you have seen the number at…

Angular + CodeIgniter File Upload Example

Introduction Angular + CodeIgniter file upload example will show here how to upload a file to server. Here CodeIgniter will be responsible for storing the file into a server location and Angular will be used on UI side to interact with end users, who will browse and select a file for uploading. We will create CodeIgniter REST API and will…

Spring Boot Security – Form Based Authentication – Persistence Token – Remember Me

Remember Me Authentication – Persistence Token The example Spring Boot Security form based authentication persistence token remember me will show you how to use custom login form with Spring’s j_spring_security_check to authenticate a user. You may also look into form based authentication remember me – persistent token – on Spring MVC framework. The similar example I will implement here but using Spring Boot framework….

Angular + PHP File Upload Example

Introduction Angular + PHP file upload example will show here how to upload a file to server. Here PHP will be responsible for storing the file into a server location and Angular will be used on UI side to interact with end users, who will browse and select a file for uploading. We will create PHP REST API and will…

Spring Boot Security – Form Based Authentication – Remember Me

Authentication – Remember Me The example Spring Boot Security form based authentication remember me will show you how to use custom login form with Spring’s j_spring_security_check to authenticate a user with remember me option. You may also look into form based authentication – remember me – on Spring MVC framework. The similar example we will implement here but using Spring Boot framework. We will…

Spring Boot Security – Form Based JDBC Authentication using UserDetailsService

Form Based Auth Using UserDetailsService The example Spring Boot Security form based JDBC authentication using UserDetailsService will show you how to use custom login form with Spring’s j_spring_security_check to authenticate a user. You may also look into form based JDBC authentication using UserDetailsService on Spring MVC framework. In this example, I will implement the form based authentication system using Spring Boot framework.

Bootstrap Datatable CRUD using Codeigniter, MySQL, AJAX

Introduction In this post we will see Bootstrap Datatable CRUD using Codeigniter, MySQL and AJAX. We have also seen similar implementation in our previous post on DataTable CRUD Example using Codeigniter, MySQL and AJAX, but here we will use Bootstrap Datatable to implement the similar functionalities, where we have the following features: Loading data from MySQL database in HTML table Pagination…