Collect and Convert Objects using Lambda Expression in Java 8 or Later Version

Introduction In this tutorial, I will show you how you are going to collect and convert objects using lambda expression in Java 8 stream API. I will collect objects and map to another custom objects using Java 8 stream API with the help of Lambda Expression. Suppose you have entity classes generated from your database tables and after fetching data…

Java 8 Stream Filter Example

Java 8 Filter This tutorial will show you how to use Java 8 stream API‘s filter() and map() methods. The filter() method in Java 8 or onward is used to produce a stream containing only a certain type of objects into the result output and map() method is used to transform a stream from one type to another type into…

Find minimum of elements in Array

This example will show you how to find a minimum of elements in an Array using C program.

Find maximum of elements in Array

This example will show you how to find a maximum of elements in an Array using C program.

Reverse elements in Array

This example will show you how to reverse elements in an Array using C program.

How Siteminder works

Introduction In this tutorial I will discuss how SiteMinder works as an SSO authentication system. This tutorial will give you technical insights of the working principle of SiteMinder system. The Web Application Firewall may integrate with SiteMinder to provide single sign-on and centralized management of web applications using the predefined security policies. It uniquely identifies a user before the user…

Using Java Comparator in HashMap to Sort Elements

In this example I am going to show you an example on using Comparator in HashMap will show you how to use Comparator to sort values in HashMap. I will use custom object as a key in the HashMap. The object which is used as an object as a key in HashMap must override hashCode() and equals() methods.

Custom Object as a Key in HashMap

Java Custom Object In this Java HashMap example I am going to tell you how to use custom object as a key in HashMap. In custom object as a key in HashMap example, I will show you how to work with user defined objects as keys in Map. To use user defined objects as keys in Map you need to…

Delete an Element from Array

This example will show you how to delete an element from an Array using C program.

Insert an Element into Array

How to insert element? This example will show you how to insert an element into an Array using C program. Insertion of an element in an existing array is also straight forward. So, you need to iterate through the array elements (if elements are already there in the array), then you need to find an appropriate index of the array…