SOAP Web Service with Mule ESB

In this tutorial I am going to show you how we can create SOAP web service in Mule ESB. We will use HTTP Connector as a request-response medium to interact with SOAP web service. The SOAP webservice here uses JAX-WS implementation. You can see also REST Web Service with Mule ESB and Send data to remote REST web application using Mule…

Searching an element in Java ArrayList

This tutorial example will show you how to search an element in Java ArrayList in both case sensitive and case insensitive way.

REST Web Service with Mule ESB

In this tutorial I am going to show you how we can create REST web service in Mule ESB. We will use HTTP Connector as a request-response medium to interact with REST web service. You can see also SOAP Web Service with Mule ESB and Send data to remote REST web application using Mule ESB

Send data to remote REST web application using Mule ESB

In this tutorial I am going to show you how to send data from Mule application to remote web application which is basically a REST webservice application. Prerequisites Eclipse, JDK 1.8, JAX-RS jars 2.23.2 Have maven installed and configured JAX-RS dependencies in pom.xml For this tutorial we will create a web maven project in Eclipse. If you already have an…

Modify input file name while moving to another directory using Mule ESB

In this tutorial I am going to show you how we can move files from one directory to another directory in Mule ESB. We will use File Connector to take an Excel file as input  and this Excel file will be moved to another directory but with modified name. You can see also File transfer from source directory to destination directory…

Handling large data writing to Excel using SXSSF Apache POI

Large Data Writing to Excel This tutorial will show you an example on handling large data writing to excel using sxssf Apache POI library. Having said that I will show you here how to write large data set to an Excel file using Apache POI using SXSSF. The theoretical text and concept have been borrowed from SXSSF (package: org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming)…

Spring Boot MVC with Tiles and AJAX

In my previous tutorials I have shown how to create a Spring Boot MVC application, here I will show you how to create an AJAX based Spring Boot MVC application with Tiles. What is Tiles ( A free open-sourced templating framework for modern Java applications. Based upon the Composite pattern it is built to simplify the development of user interfaces….

Java 8 Date and Time API

Introduction Here I am going to discuss about the Java 8 or later version’s new date and time API. The date time package, java.time, was introduced in the Java SE 8 release, which provides a comprehensive model for date and time. The new date and time API offers greatly improved safety and functionalities for developers.

Java 8 Stream API

Introduction In this tutorial I will explain about Java’s new API called stream, which was introduced in Java 8 and included in package The stream API supports functional-style operations on collection of elements or stream of elements in a collection.

Java forEach Example Using Lambda Expression

Introduction This tutorial will show you how to use Java 8 forEach() loop to iterate Collection using Lambda Expression. Prior to Java 8 or JDK 8, the for loop was used as a for-each style but in Java 8 the inclusion of forEach() loop simplifies the iteration process in mainly one line.