How to implement Circuit Breaker Pattern using Hystrix in Spring Cloud Gateway

Introduction We will see how to implement circuit breaker pattern using Hystrix in Spring Cloud Gateway. Hystrix is a library from Netflix that implements the circuit breaker pattern. The Hystrix GatewayFilter allows us to introduce circuit breakers to our gateway routes, protecting our services from cascading failures and allowing us to provide fallback responses in the event of downstream failures….

Use load balancer name for Microservices instead of host, port for URI in Spring Cloud Gateway

Introduction Here we will see how to use load balancer name or service name for Microservices instead of host, port for URI while building API gateway using Spring Cloud Gateway – the tutorial example which we have created earlier. We will use the same tutorial to use load balancer name instead of URL, such as, http://localhost:9000, http://localhost:9001, etc. for the…

How to build Spring Cloud Gateway for Microservices

In this tutorial we will build Spring Cloud Gateway for Microservices built using Spring Boot framework. Spring Cloud Gateway aims to provide a simple, yet effective way to route to APIs and provide cross cutting concerns to them such as: security, monitoring/metrics, and resiliency. Spring Cloud Gateway aims to provide a simple, yet effective way to route to APIs. When…