Prevent JAR Creation using Maven

Introduction In this post you will see how to prevent JAR creation using maven build tool if your application does not have the required Java classes or resource files. Actually you don’t need to create jar file when your project does not contain any Java or resource files. I will use maven-jar-plugin which is used by default by maven build…

Creating Multiple Executable Jars using Maven

Introduction You will see in this post how to create multiple executable jars using maven build tool. You have seen how to create executable jar using maven build tool. I had created only single executable jar file in previous example but here I will create multiple jars.

Removing Default Jar created by Maven Build

Introduction Here you will see an example on how to remove default jar by maven build tool. Generally this may be required in a situation where you are generating executable jar or executable jars and your application does not require additional non-executable jar generated by maven build. Then you can remove such jar from the target folder.

Packaging WAR, JAR modules into EAR using Maven Build Tool

Introduction Here you will see the process of packaging WAR, JAR modules into EAR file. EAR, also known as, Enterprise Archive, in which all files (.jar and .war) are packaged as JAR file with .ear (enterprise archive) extension and deployed into Application Server.

How to create Executable jar using Maven

Introduction Here I am going to show you how to create executable jar using maven build tool. Sometimes you need to create executable jar file from a standalone application using maven because you want to put the executable jar file anywhere and just want to run the file to do some operations from command line.

Deploy both war and jar files into Nexus using maven in Jenkins

Introduction This tutorial will show you how to deploy both war and jar file from an web application using maven in Jenkins. By default when we build the web project in Jenkins then the war file gets uploaded into nexus repository but not the jar file. Sometimes we need to upload both war and jar files for an web application…

Create Both War And Jar Files Using Maven

JAR/WAR This tutorial will show you how to create both war and jar files in a web application using maven build tool. Sometimes you may need to create both war and jar files for a web application using maven build tool because some other standalone project needs to include the jar file for this web application. For example you can…