Using JMS synchronously in Mule ESB

This tutorial will show you how to use Mule JMS Transport synchronously in Mule based application. As JMS is inherently asynchronous in nature, you will usually use JMS inbound endpoints with one-way message-exchange patterns—sending messages and not waiting around for a response. Sometimes, however, you will want to wait for a response from a message you are sending. You can…

Sending JMS messages with the JMS outbound endpoint in Mule

This tutorial will show you how to use Mule JMS Transport in Mule based application. Let’s take an example, set up a flow to accept notifications from Accounting application when an expense report’s processing has been completed. A  more realistic use case is to take the notifications and dispatch them to a JMS topic to which interested parties can  subscribe…

Mule JMS Transport with Active MQ

This tutorial will show you how to use Mule JMS Transport in Mule based application. You can watch video version of the tutorial You can be interested in Sending JMS messages with the JMS outbound endpoint in Mule Connectors provide an abstraction layer over data transport mechanisms. Connectors exist for things such as files, email messages, databases, JMS, and even…