Hibernate Object States – Transient, Persistent and Detached

Hibernate Object States In this tutorial I will discuss what are the states of objects (transient persistent detached objects) in Hibernate framework. You might be knowing that Hibernate is an ORM (Object Relational Mapping), which is an automated persistent of objects in a Java application to the tables in a relational database. Hibernate defines and supports three different object states:…

JMS Concepts – Persistent and Durable

I will tell you here what are Persistent and Durable and where these two words are applicable because these two words sometimes cause confusion to the users of JMS providers. Generally, Persistent is applicable to messages while Durable is applicable to subscriptions.

Spring Security Remember Me – Persistent Token Approach

Spring Security Remember Me with Persistent Token This tutorial will show you how to remember your credentials for a specific time period for auto-login without providing any login credentials into the login form. Remember-me or persistent-login authentication refers to web sites being able to remember the identity of a principal between sessions. This is typically accomplished by sending a cookie…