SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

Introduction This issue occurs while establishing a trusted connection over SSL (Secure Socket Layer) in Artifactory. The error message indicates that Artifactory could not establish a trusted connection over SSL. You may find this issue if you are using Self-Signed certificate or a certificate that is issued by an internal Certificate Authority or if your clients (e.g. browser, java) are…

Using SSL(Secure Socket Layer) in JAX-WS webservice

Introduction In this tutorial I will show how to use SSL/TSL or https in JAX-WS based SOAP webservice. For using SSL with JAX-WS webservice you need one keystore file. I will use here Java tool to generate the keystore file. I also need to configure SSL in Tomcat server because I am going to deploy our application into Tomcat server. No name matching localhost found

Introduction Here I will show you how to fix the issue No name matching localhost found. To fix it, add a method to override the existing hostname verifier.